Psychological testing, also referred to as psychological assessment or evaluation, encompasses a series of scientifically grounded methods used to observe and measure an individual’s behavior, which ultimately helps in arriving at an accurate diagnosis and guiding treatment.
Psychologists administer psychological tests for a wide variety of reasons, but typically the purpose is to deepen understanding of the underlying cause of a person’s difficulties. With this enhanced knowledge, psychologists can offer more precise and personalized recommendations for treatment, ensuring that interventions are more targeted and effective.
Each psychological evaluation is tailored to the unique needs of the individual being assessed. Most evaluations, however, will include a comprehensive clinical interview, during which the psychologist gathers detailed information about the person’s background, history, and presenting challenges. Along with the clinical interview, psychologists administer valid and reliable psychological tests that have been rigorously developed and evaluated by researchers. These tests are designed to assess specific traits, behaviors, or disorders and are proven to be effective in offering objective measures of psychological functioning. The evaluation may also include a review of school or medical records, interviews with others who are close to the individual being evaluated, and informal observation. This multi-method approach provides a well-rounded and detailed picture of the individual’s strengths and difficulties, enabling the psychologist to gain a deeper and more accurate understanding of their unique situation.
At Dr. Robin Lowey & Associates, we specialize in a variety of psychological evaluations, which include, but are not limited to: